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Welcome, I’m Amanda Buxbaum. Nutritionist. College Professor. Smithsonian Faculty Fellow. I have a few fancy titles, but by far the most rewarding is YOUR nutritionist. As your nutritionist, you and I reimagine what is possible. We investigate what works and what doesn’t work based on your lifestyle, preferences, culture, needs, etc. We start where you are and together, we create your personal roadmap to greater health, wellness, and vitality.

Nutrition gave my early adventures into courage positive nearly magical results. At 12 years old, I learned that I could change my story against the toughest odds - even when conventional knowledge and expert opinions were against me. My prognosis from my pediatrician was that I would be out of school for three months and that I could expect to be out of swimming for all of the winter swimming season. This was totally unacceptable to me.

Fiercely, I wanted my life back. So, as age 12, I was determined have a different story. I had an intense desire to get back to the things which I loved - the things which gave me joy - back to school, back to my friends, back to my school work, back to the pool and swimming competitively. And so, flat on my back in bed, very sick, I buried my 12-year-old-self in books about nutrition; including every book written by Adele Davis, the foremost nutritionist of the time. I read, I analyzed, I theorized and instructed my mother on the ins and outs of preparing the nutritional interventions I needed to heal. In 4 weeks, my story changed – I was both back at school and back in the pool.

I wasn’t confined to my bed for 3 months, as was expected. I left the four walls of my bedroom behind and again ventured back into the experiences that filled my life with happiness. Continuing with a focus on nutrition, but now with a focus on even greater health, vitality and my athletic performance, I went on to achieve, in that same season, an individual PA state title and state record in 50 butterfly, and another relay PA state title and state record.

Since that time, many of my life experience have affirmed again and again that nutrition can catalyze change. Nutrition made my bravest moments as a self-advocate possible. It is among of the most powerful tools we have to fight disease and promote wellness.

Professor Amanda Buxbaum MS, CNS, LDN is licensed through the Maryland State Board of Dietetic Practice and the Certification Board of Nutrition Specialist. A practicing nutritionist and college professor, Professor Buxbaum teaches Introduction to Nutrition at Montgomery College. A 2015 Smithsonian Faculty Fellow, Professor Buxbaum is a former actuarial analyst who rigorously engages advances in nutritional science to apply evidence-based solutions to clients’ challenges. Special areas of interest include women’s health, nutrition in multicultural families, neurological disorders, chronic illnesses, focus and fatigue. A former Peace Corp volunteer, Professor Buxbaum completed her service in Liberia. An alumna of the University of Bridgeport, she holds a master’s degree in Human Nutrition.
Amanda Buxbaum, MS, CNS, LDN
(LFC Affiliates)